Daddy I miss you infinitely & love you immensely
Dear Dad,
Your not just my father (Daddy) but a lovely friend who loved me and cared for me the most, shared everything with me and mom. You knew things that were unsaid by me, to you and you knew exactly what was it, which was understood by you and get it right away for me.
When you scolded me or punished me for my mistakes the purpose had an end. You traded away your youth, worked harder and harder day and night with dedication left for work, travelled far places, revealing the truth to raise your children right.
You gave us wealth, happiness and educate us at your best,
One of the last generation of fathers.
Who earned our respect and administration like good role models do.
Your time on earth ended soon, which left an empty space and sadness of losing such a precious gem out of my life, wounds are somehow mended with loving memories of you.
Dearest 'DADDY',
I miss you terribly, every single day that passes on remembering you every now and then.
Daddy, I miss you a lot
You have spread lovely colours in my life, taught me good teachings & lessons of life, I am blessed to be your daughter. The love, care and affection that you gave me is missed a lot.
Every single day, DADDY
I look at your photographs - miss your smile, remembering your belongings and cry alone at times.
Your everywhere around me, I miss fighting and arguing with you, I miss all those happy moments that we all spend together as a family. Remembering you brings a smile, but realizing that your no more depresses me.
It becomes hard to control my tears and get along with life and I have to live the way it is.
Life cannot be stilled nor the time would stop, wait or hold. The pain of losing you is unbearable, but every living thing has to die.
Life is tragic and goes on......
Hence, one has to lead whether wishes or not. I hope one day, I will be along with you laughing and watching the Sky - Clouds -Rainbow -Sun -Moon & Stars.
Where there are, no worries that would bother us.
I pray for peace, your soul rests in peace and gets Moksha.