Wednesday, January 16, 2019

NFC – Revolutionary CLOUD Communication

A new era of  Mobile payments through digitization.The widespread adoption of smartphones, has increased the reliance on mobile data and the growing support for NFC –  "Near Field Communication". The ability to use location and payment information to provide value added services. NFC is a short range RFID technology that enables consumers to use their mobile as a wallet to make payments. NFC has improved the efficiency in risk alerting real-time & crisis management.

It connects the passenger or employee to report an incident at an ever-busy airport for issuing a boarding pass or upgrading the ticket, cancellation, status check, payment related issues & other scenarios.

Earlier, the employee or the passenger had to call, email the service desk agent to report an incident. Then, the service desk agent would ask the details, confirm the CUSS/CUPPS systems, it would route to the ground staff technical team that would connect, understand the issue from incident management and would resolve it accordingly which was time consuming but now with the new integrated system ‘NFC’ – reporting is much easier, that has enabled for all the CUPPS & CUSS related issues. It has reduced the reporting time from 4-5 minutes to 10-15 seconds. An instant reporting is reported within seconds. Integration with the existing incident management system gets resolved within minutes.

The new incident reporting process with NFC on Cloud is initiated with Wipro Technologies:

  • Staff/employee identifies the issue with CUSS/CUPPS
  • Employee/passenger scans the NFC tag on the CUSS/ CUPPS system using a NFC enabled smartphone
  • Information regarding the incident is sent to the Cloud system
  • An incident is created in the existing incident management system
  • A personalized notification is sent to the ground technical team on duty
  • The technical team resolves the issue

An average of 20 % of the incidents created are part of CUSS & CUPPS systems:

·         January – incident break-up: 19%
·         February – incident break-up: 20%
·         March - incident break-up: 8%

      Digital monitoring & control of multiple parallel activities on aircraft are improved like ground staff, catering, fueling, baggage handling etc. Integration with immigration system & citizen identity management with government systems. NFC has been a great help to airport security with biometric based authentication to staff & passengers. NFC tag is capable of 10k readings which is more than 25 years of it is scanned every day at airports. Smartphones also make it possible to sign electronic documents with a digital signature. The entire transaction can take place electronically, without paper and printers.

The goal is to expand the options for mGov services, with industry-leading solutions for secure mobility that use NFC and other advanced technologies.

The keyless entry for everything - Future in your hands:

NFC is a, quick, simple, and proven secure. It is a trusted format for supporting mobile access to online government services. NFC provides a convenient way to securely store the mobile IDs, known as derived credentials, that make it safe to access online services.
  1. NFC has increased customer satisfaction can make payment transactions easy.
  2. Cuts down the downtime to wait in queue.
  3. Customers or users can also load coupons and promotions onto their smartphones for easy access during monetary transactions.
  4. Improved sales: Employees may also see a rise in sales. Workers can process transactions more quickly with NFC, enabling companies to increase daily profits.
  5. The NFC chip technology may also attract new customers who were unhappy with their experiences with other businesses and are looking for an alternative. 
  6. Better employee communication.
  7. Companies that want to use NFC as a credit card processing alternative can benefit from reduced costs. Businesses will save money on paper since, merchants can email receipts to their customers.
  8. NFC can help companies to cut down on the number of necessary staff personnel. Customers will be able to move through lines and complete purchases with more efficiency, requiring fewer employees to process transactions.
  9. NFC technology may be the future of payment processing for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
  10. Encryption can help protect transferring data from being intercepted.